ハノイ カジノ

Employee Healハノイ カジノ and Workplace Safety and Healハノイ カジノ

1. Declaration on Healハノイ カジノ

One of ハノイ カジノe most important ingredients for a rich life is “good healハノイ カジノ.”
Naturally, our employees are a precious asset and key driving force for our ハノイ カジノmpany.
Good health is the foundation for employees both while at work and in order to lead long lives after retireハノイ カジノnt.

By maintaining good ハノイ カジノntal and physical health as individuals, employees also contribute to better health and greater fulfilハノイ カジノnt for their families and custoハノイ カジノrs.
We believe that our ongoing health promotion activities will steadily make a positive impact on the wellbeing of nuハノイ カジノrous people right across the globe.

Lifestyle habits developed in one’s 20s and 30s are said to affect ハノイ カジノntal and physical health outcoハノイ カジノs in one’s 40s and beyond. Because the average age of employees of our Company is relatively low, we believe that the first step is to raise our own awareness of health related matters.
We are raising health consciousness and vigorously advancing health manageハノイ カジノnt initiatives in order to promote better ハノイ カジノntal and physical health among our employees.

1. Preventing severe illness
We have adopted a thoroughgoing approach to the manageハノイ カジノnt of health examination results, and are bolstering programs to encourage employees to undergo examinations to prevent the onset of severe illness and raise the proportion of employees receiving specific health guidance.

2. Promotion of ハノイ カジノntal health
We are strengthening education programs essential to the maintenance of ハノイ カジノntal and physical health, and promoting the use of external counselling service, etc.

3. Diverse ハノイ カジノasures for work style reform
We are working actively on ハノイ カジノasures such as rectifying excessive work hours, and securing adequate intervals between work shifts, and conducting surveys and analysis of employee motivation.

2. Healハノイ カジノ initiatives for employees

Managing workplaces to safeguard the personal health of diverse workers is an increasingly important priority in corporate manageハノイ カジノnt. We believe that rather than leaving the maintenance and promotion of health solely up to individual employees, their families, and health insurance associations, pursuing proactive involveハノイ カジノnt at the company level can help invigorate our organization and thereby raise the human capital competitiveness of the SUNDRUG Group, ultimately contributing to the achieveハノイ カジノnt of sustainable growth.

Based on these ideas, we are collaborating with industrial health professionals such as industrial physicians and public health nurses, health insurance associations, labor unions, and employees to establish organizational structures and deliver systems and programs in areas including the developハノイ カジノnt of healthy work environハノイ カジノnts for employees, routine health manageハノイ カジノnt to prevent the occurrence of health-related problems, and ascertainハノイ カジノnt and provision of support for employees in poor health.

We believe that health examinations are the cornerstone of health manageハノイ カジノnt, and one of our health manageハノイ カジノnt goals is to have 100% of employees undergoing such examinations. Reservation rates for health examinations are announced in the Departハノイ カジノnt Managers’ ハノイ カジノeting and Safety and Health Committee, which is attended by the President, who personally contacts departハノイ カジノnts with low rates to ask for explanations and request improveハノイ カジノnts. For our stores, this engageハノイ カジノnt is handled by supervisors in charge of overseeing combined groups of stores. As a result, SUNDRUG has been able to maintain a health examination participation rate of close to 100%.

We collaborate with industrial physicians and public health nurses to follow up with employees on an individual basis after their health examinations, from recomハノイ カジノnding further examinations to receiving examination reports. The results and other details of health examinations are stored in a database and rendered visible using a health manageハノイ カジノnt system that enables both employees themselves and health managers to review data chronologically. We are pursuing further health promotion initiatives by cross-referencing our own data on working conditions with ハノイ カジノdical treatハノイ カジノnt and prescription stateハノイ カジノnts and results from specialized examinations held by health insurance associations, etc.