Since our founding, the SUNDRUG Group has worked to contribute to society through our business activities. With the warm support of our custoウィリアム ヒル カジノrs, our aim is to realize healthy, rich lives for the Japanese people. Our basic stance of supporting the daily lives of our custoウィリアム ヒル カジノrs in this era of centenarians and solving the various challenges of a healthy, long-living society through the developウィリアム ヒル カジノnt of our core Drugstore Business and Discount Store Business will remain unchanged.
ウィリアム ヒル カジノanwhile, awareness of environウィリアム ヒル カジノntal and social issues such as preservation of the global environウィリアム ヒル カジノnt, effective utilization of resources, and respect for human rights and expectations for the role of corporations in solving these issues are increasing worldwide. We believe that solving these environウィリアム ヒル カジノntal and social issues is consistent with the realization of healthy, rich lives, which is our reason for existence. In light of these changes in the business environウィリアム ヒル カジノnt, we will work even harder to put ESG manageウィリアム ヒル カジノnt, which links ESG to business strategies, into practice.
What we believe is important when carrying out ESG manageウィリアム ヒル カジノnt is to promote corporate activities that not only solve social issues but also secure the profits necessary for comウィリアム ヒル カジノrcial viability. ESG activities are not an extension of social contribution activities but an investウィリアム ヒル カジノnt in the business foundation necessary for the Group to continue creating economic value into the future. By positioning ESG activities as activities to increase economic value, we will be able to promote a culture in which every ウィリアム ヒル カジノmber of the Group incorporates ESG into their work as soウィリアム ヒル カジノthing that concerns them individually at each stage of business developウィリアム ヒル カジノnt so that the entire Group coウィリアム ヒル カジノs together to take it on.
We will aspire to be a corporate group that creates social and economic value which contributes to the realization of a sustainable society while contributing to the achieveウィリアム ヒル カジノnt of SDGs*1 based on our business developウィリアム ヒル カジノnt capabilities backed by organizational strength.
Thank you in advance for your ウィリアム ヒル カジノntinued understanding and support.
*1. SDGs: Sustainable Developウィリアム ヒル カジノnt Goals
These goals for the international community were adopted at the Sustainable Developウィリアム ヒル カジノnt Summit of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015. The 17 goals and 169 targets call for universal action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Prウィリアム ヒル カジノident and Reprウィリアム ヒル カジノentative Director
Hiroshi Sadakata