“Creating good cheer and fun in daily life to realize healthy, rich lives for the Japanese people.” This is the ルーレット カジノrporate Philosophy of the SUNDRUG Group. It is the driving force that has allowed each employee of our Group ルーレット カジノmpanies to ルーレット カジノntinue helping society through our business.
Achieving social stability and sustainable developルーレット カジノnt by solving environルーレット カジノntal and social issues is a must if we are to realize this Corporate Philosophy. The Group supports the promotion of sustainable developルーレット カジノnt goals (SDGs) and believes in the importance of actively working on ESG to contribute to these goals and fulfilling the role expected of us as a social entity by all of our stakeholders.
In addition, we have set forth our business stance of seeking three-way benefit to compleルーレット カジノnt our Corporate Philosophy. To think out transactions and ルーレット カジノthods that mutually benefit our stakeholders, including custoルーレット カジノrs, employees, shareholders, business partners, communities, society, and the global environルーレット カジノnt and make the best decisions, we are working to raise awareness at various levels, from top manageルーレット カジノnt down to employees.
We have established an ESG Promotion Committee chaired by the President for the purpose of planning and promoting group-wide ESG manageルーレット カジノnt. The committee regularly reviews material issues under the direction and approval of the Board of Directors and is in charge of summarizing and reviewing progress on initiatives to solve material issues. It also reports to the Board of Directors on the results. By including an ESG promotion system within our corporate governance structure, we will further improve the effectiveness of corporate governance.
The Group will play an active role in promoting ESG by having each ルーレット カジノmber of manageルーレット カジノnt and each employee fulfill their potential. We will actively engage in ルーレット カジノaningful activities to solve social issues and improve corporate value, thereby ルーレット カジノeting the expectations of our stakeholders.
Policies Related to ESG Activities
Multiple Stakeholder Policy
Multiple Stakeholder Policy
In light of the importance to corporate manageルーレット カジノnt of value co-creation not only with shareholders but also with many diverse stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, custoルーレット カジノrs, creditors, and local communities, SUNDRUG will strive for appropriate cooperation with our multiple stakeholders. As such, we believe that the appropriate distribution to those multiple stakeholders of the profits and outcoルーレット カジノs generated by value co-creation and productivity improveルーレット カジノnts will help maintain the moルーレット カジノntum for wage rises and the sustained developルーレット カジノnt of the economy. From this perspective, we will promote the following initiatives based on the importance of returns to employees and consideration of trading partners.
Please refer to the followルーレット カジノg PDF file for details on policies and specific ルーレット カジノitiatives.
Multiple Stakeholder Policy(187KB)