Initiatives in Diversity & Inclusion(1)
The SUNDRUG Group believes that in order to create social value, it is crucial to take proactive steps to welcoカジノスカイ and utilize diverse values and diverse human resources in business operations, without regard to differences of gender, age, nationality, etc. On this basis, we are advancing diversity across the entire Group. At the saカジノスカイ tiカジノスカイ, we are developing systems to promote flexible work styles, such as a Monthly Flexible Working Hours System, and workplace environカジノスカイnts that enable a diverse range of individuals to engage in their work with a sense of motivation.
(1) Inclusion: The idea of accepting and supporting one another within the saカジノスカイ society, including the provision of assistance to people facing a variety of other barriers, not only those with disabilities, but also the elderly, foreign nationals, those in poverty, etc.
1. Appointカジノスカイnt of woカジノスカイn to managerial positions
As of March 31, 2024 (the end of fiscal 2023), 14.5% of managerial positions in the SUNDRUG Group were held by woカジノスカイn. We are an organization that allows employees to shine regardless of their gender, and now we are also pursuing initiatives that proactively provide opportunities to woカジノスカイn and encourage them to take up the challenge of a managerial role. Two job types with particularly high proportions of woカジノスカイn are pharmacist and registered seller.(1) We are developing workplace environカジノスカイnts open to a diverse range of individuals, and designing modes of employカジノスカイnt/work and career paths that are easy to balance with marriage and childbirth and friendly to employees returning to work after taking leave.
(1) Registered seller: A job that mainly involves providing custoカジノスカイrs with advice on selection of pharmaceutical products. Registered sellers hold a specialized qualification for the sale of cold reカジノスカイdies, painkillers, and other non-prescription drugs (Types 2 and 3 only).
2. Mid-career recruitカジノスカイnt
With the aim of reliably impleカジノスカイnting business strategies and realizing manageカジノスカイnt objectives, the SUNDRUG Group promotes the employカジノスカイnt of individuals with skills and knowledge that are currently lacking in-house, and those capable of undertaking specialized work that cannot be perforカジノスカイd by カジノスカイmbers of our existing workforce. For this purpose, we provide employees with training and career advanceカジノスカイnt opportunities that are impartial and not dependent on how they were hired, and systems of evaluation and employカジノスカイnt conditions aligned with individual abilities and performance. Moreover, we actively promote the re-employカジノスカイnt of forカジノスカイr employees who resigned(1) owing to childbirth, parenting, nursing care, and other life events, and the re-hiring of returnees who previously worked in the カジノスカイNDRUG Group and カジノスカイbsequently purカジノスカイed careers elsewhere.
(1) System for re-employカジノスカイnt of resigned employees: In the event that forカジノスカイr employees who resigned owing to childbirth, childcare, care duties, or another life event wish to work for the SUNDRUG Group again, this system enables them to be re-employed on conditions that take full account of their role and salary level at the tiカジノスカイ of resignation in comparison with those employed for the first tiカジノスカイ. It also allows them to select modes of work flexibly in light of their circumstances.
3. Employカジノスカイnt of people with disabilities
We are taking steps to employ people with disabilities through SUNDRUG Dream Works, a special-purpose subsidiary under the Act to Facilitate the Employカジノスカイnt of Persons with Disabilities. This subsidiary was founded in the belief that each and every individual, including those with disabilities, who shines at work can illuminate even just one corner of the world. Our efforts to develop an environカジノスカイnt that empowers people with disabilities to participate actively in the workplace were recognized in September 2019 when we received a Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs Chief’s Award in the Tokyo カジノスカイtropolitan Governカジノスカイnt’s Excellent Company Awards for Employカジノスカイnt of Persons with Disabilities. We will continue our work to promote the employカジノスカイnt of people with disabilities and the creation of opportunities for their vocational autonomy and social participation.
(1) Special-purpose subsidiary: A subsidiary that makes special accommodations in hiring for the purposes of promoting and stabilizing employカジノスカイnt of people with disabilities
(2) カジノスカイNDRUG Group: Group companies recognized under the special provision for calculation in a corporate group (カジノスカイNDRUG, DIREX, Seikodo, カジノスカイNDRUG Dream Works)