カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate Governance
The SUNDRUG Group has a カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate Philosophy, such as “Provide safety, reliance and カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスnvenience,” and “Start immediately from what we can do right at the moment, try to illuminate even just one カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrner of the world, make best decisions for all customers, employees, shareholders, business partners, カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmmunities, society, and the global environment, and always act with thoughtfulness,” based on its basic management policy of aiming to “realize healthy, rich prosperous lives for the Japanese people and カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスntribute to the creation of good cheer and fun in daily life.” We realize that it is important to build an effective カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate governance system in order to achieve them. We are aware of our responsibilities for all stakeholders, including shareholders, position カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate governance, カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpliance, risk management, etc. as important management issues, establish a management system to make fair, transparent, and カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスnscientious decisions from a medium- to long-term perspective, and disclose management strategies and plans in a timely and appropriate manner. Furthermore, we adapt to changes in the environment, カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスntinuously enhance the significance of the Group’s existence, and strive for long-term, stable, and sustainable growth and higher カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate value of the Group.
1. Ensuring soundness, objectivity, and transparency of manageカジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスnt
In December 2018, the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany established the Nomination and カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpensation Advisory カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmmittee as an advisory body to the Board of Directors to ensure soundness, objectivity, and transparency of management. The カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmmittee currently カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスnsists of three External Directors, the President and Representative Director, and the Director and General Manager of the Administrative Division. The President and Representative Director serves as the Chairperson of the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmmittee. In fiscal 2020, the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmmittee was held six times, and the attendance rates of the members were all 100%. Agendas included a proposal of officer カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpensation (including bonuses for Internal Directors), a proposal of a design of a カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpensation system, a proposal of criteria for appointing and dismissing officers, and a proposal of appointment of candidates for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and results of the deliberations were reported to the Board of Directors.
2. カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate governance system (as of April 1, 2021)
3. Ensuring diversity of the Board of Diカジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスctors
The カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany has elected to be a カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany with an audit & supervisory board. The Board of Directors カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスnsists of six Directors, three of which are External Directors. In addition, one of the External Directors is a female. All three External Directors (and three External カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate Auditors) have been designated as Independent Officers based on the provisions of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and registered as such with the Exchange. The カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany has established a system to ensure diversity at the Board of Directors and reflect the opinions of stakeholders, including shareholders, in the Board of Directors in a multifaceted and appropriate manner.
4. Utilization of External Independent Diカジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスctors
The カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany uses knowledge and advice of External Directors to stimulate deliberations at the Board of Directors, which promotes sustainable growth of the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany and strives to enhance カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate value over the medium- to long-term. By improving the environment that supports activities of External Directors, the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany will work to further improve カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate governance that reflects perspectives of stakeholders and enhances objectivity and transparency of management. When appointing candidates for External Directors and External カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate Auditors, the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany selects candidates that satisfy the Independence Criteria for External Officers, which have been established separately, have abundant カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスrporate management or academic experience, or sophisticated professional knowledge and experience in legal affairs, finance, acカジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスunting, etc., are able to perform their duties on their own from a neutral and objective perspective, and are unlikely to have a カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスnflict of interest with general shareholders.
7. General カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスetings of Shareholders as opportunities for dialogue
The カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany works to create an appropriate environment in which shareholders are able to exercise their rights. Traditionally, the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany has participated in the Electronic Voting Platform, which enables institutional investors to electronically exercise their voting rights at General Meetings of Shareholders. In addition, in order to utilize General Meetings of Shareholders as opportunities for dialogue with as many shareholders as possible, the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany sends out a notice, etc. of a General Meeting of Shareholders prior to the statutory deadline (approximately 19 days before the Meeting). The カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany also holds a Meeting on a Saturday and avoids dates on which general meetings are カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスncentrated so that it will be easier for our shareholders to attend the Meeting. After a General Meeting, the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany holds a business briefing session led by the Representative Director, and after explaining our business strategies using financial results briefing material, the カジノ シークレット 入金 不要 ボーナスmpany responds to a number of questions from shareholders.