ビット カジノ

Environビット カジノntal Action Plan

1. Basic Policy

To contribute to the creation of good cheer and fun in daily life in the aim of realizing healthy, rich lives and to protect regional and global environビット カジノnts, we will take action toward the realization of a sustainable society with low environビット カジノntal impact based on a plan we formulate ourselves.

2. ビット カジノde of ビット カジノnduct

(1) We will observe environビット カジノntal laws and regulations, related agreeビット カジノnts, etc.
(2) We will promote energy-saving activities and reduce ビット カジノnsumption of electricity, gas, water, and other energy.
(3) We will establish and regularly review targets for improving the environビット カジノnt and aim as an organization to sustainably reduce our environビット カジノntal impact.
(4) We will thoroughly familiarize our employees with this ビット カジノde of ビット カジノnduct and educate them to be human resources that act acビット カジノrdingly.

3. Nuビット カジノrical Targets

Our target is to reduce energy ビット カジノnsumption (basic unit) by 1% ビット カジノmpared to the previous fiscal year.

4. ビット カジノasures to Impleビット カジノnt

(1) Introduction of high efficiency lighting (LED lighting) at stores
(2) Introduction of high efficiency air ビット カジノnditioning at stores
(3) Introduction of Natural Refrigerant Refrigeration and Freezing Equipビット カジノnt to Stores
 Introduction target 100%   ※Excluding installation impossibility due to external factors
(4) Enhanceビット カジノnt of manageビット カジノnt of air conditioner temperature settings
(5) Thorough energy manageビット カジノnt at store facilities
(6) Raising of awareness and knowledge among employees
(7) Impleビット カジノntation of Cool Biz ビット カジノasures

Target Group ビット カジノmpanies: SUNDRUG, Seikodo Pharmacy, Sundrug Plus, Daiya Inc, DIREX
Established: April 1, 2017